Hallie @ 5yrs 3mos

Hallie is our definition of herd-goals and a true ADGA total performer. With an appraisal score of VEEE91 at 5 years old, a mammary system that has maintained beauty, function and capacity over the years, never scoring below 3rd in her class and excellent milk numbers she is our favorite of all (just please don’t tell the others!). Hallie is another doe who Val had over at Gillispie’s County Line Farm and due to space limitations at the time I could not bring here when she dispersed her dairy herd. Lucky for me, another breeder friend bought her and sold her to me with her daughter Primrose Hill LoveChild. She was a gift for Lana and we absolutely adore her!

Hallie was bred by my Dairy Godmother (see what I did there!?) Lorene Toth over at Sunnydale Farm. Lorene has become a mentor and good friend and I just don’t have the words to describe how much I admire her breeding program. Year after year she produces consistent, high-quality animals that excel in every category.

Our intent is to focus line-breeding in our herd on a select few does who meet our goals of ADGA total performers. Hallie’s dam SGCH Sunnydale Farm J Hope 3*M EEEE91 is one of those. You’ll find her in Hallie’s, Nightingale’s and Nigel’s pedigrees.

Sunnydale Farm I Hallie 4*M AR VEEE91

DOB: 4/12/2016

Dam: SGCG Sunnydale Farm J Hope 3*M AR EEEE91

Sire: Castle Rock Iceberg ++*B

Show History:

2021: 1×1, 1×2, 1×3

Milk History:

2021: 268DIM 950lbs, 62 Butterfat, 44 Protein

Hallie and Lana in PA
Baby Hallie – PC Gillispie’s County Line Farm