Mac pictured at 4 years oldMac’s mammary at 4 years old
We lost Mac’s dam India Blue EOF Eye of Hope 2*M AR VEVV87 tragically due to complications following kidding. When Mac was born, the spitting image of her dam, I knew we had to keep her. She is a beautiful dairy doe, who won reserve grand champion at her very first show. Sired by Primo, this girl excels in more than just the show ring as she has a ton of milk potential and high LA scores behind her.
In 2024, Mac exceeded both dam and sire’s LA scores and was 90th percentile (top 10 percent production for the breed)!
Mac’s dam India Blue EOF Eye of Hope 2*M AR VEVV87 PC – India Blue Nigerian Dwarf GoatsMac’s Sire’s Dam SGCH Cedar View Paola 5*M AR VG87 (top 10 breed leader contender 2020) PC Cedar View Nigerian Dwarf Goats
Sunnydale Farm RJ Nigel brings some spectacular genetics to the table. He is a SGCH Sunnydale Farm J Hope 3*M AR EEEE91 grandson. We love everything this girl has ever produced and his dam Sunnydale Farm JH Kazuki is no exception! And it’s no surprise….with a dam like Hope and a sire that was a Kyeema Ridge Banjo Patterson EEE91 son, I just knew I had to bring Nigel here. Nigel’s sire’s dam Dragonfly SOL Sionainn VEEE91 is stunning as well with plumb teats, and gorgeous general appearance. He is very correct in his legs, level along the top line, uphill, strong in brisket and has the deep barrel body even as a a junior that we’re looking for!!
“Show me you’re handsome but adamantly hate getting that way”
DOB: 3/27/2021
Dam: Sunnydale Farm JH Kazuki EVVV88
Sire: Dragonfly A River Jordan
Nigel’s dam Kazuki’s show history and photos. PC –Sunnydale FarmKazuki’s second freshening udder PC – Sunnydale FarmNigel’s Sire’s Dam Dragonfly SOL Sionainn VEEE91 PC- Dragonfly Farm
Hallie is our definition of herd-goals and a true ADGA total performer. With an appraisal score of VEEE91 at 5 years old, a mammary system that has maintained beauty, function and capacity over the years, never scoring below 3rd in her class and excellent milk numbers she is our favorite of all (just please don’t tell the others!). Hallie is another doe who Val had over at Gillispie’s County Line Farm and due to space limitations at the time I could not bring here when she dispersed her dairy herd. Lucky for me, another breeder friend bought her and sold her to me with her daughter Primrose Hill LoveChild. She was a gift for Lana and we absolutely adore her!
Hallie was bred by my Dairy Godmother (see what I did there!?) Lorene Toth over at Sunnydale Farm. Lorene has become a mentor and good friend and I just don’t have the words to describe how much I admire her breeding program. Year after year she produces consistent, high-quality animals that excel in every category.
Our intent is to focus line-breeding in our herd on a select few does who meet our goals of ADGA total performers. Hallie’s dam SGCH Sunnydale Farm J Hope 3*M EEEE91 is one of those. You’ll find her in Hallie’s, Nightingale’s and Nigel’s pedigrees.
Sunnydale Farm I Hallie 4*M AR VEEE91
DOB: 4/12/2016
Dam: SGCG Sunnydale Farm J Hope 3*M AR EEEE91
Sire: Castle Rock Iceberg ++*B
Show History:
2021: 1×1, 1×2, 1×3
Milk History:
2021: 268DIM 950lbs, 62 Butterfat, 44 Protein
Hallie and Lana in PA Baby Hallie – PC Gillispie’s County Line Farm
Ruth’s story still brings tears to my eyes every time I recall it from memory. She was truly a gift from above.
When we first decided to pursue goats, a Google search for performance nigerian dwarf goats near me led me to Diane’s herd. I had chosen her doe Ferrari as the dam. Months went by, and Ferrari gave birth to two beautiful doelings and a buckling. I knew Diane would retain one of them, but there was one I absolutely loved from the moment I saw her. She was chamoisee in color with bright blue eyes. Before I knew much about goats, flashy was what I was attracted to. Ferrari was bred to a buck named “Sugar Daddy” and all of his offspring that year were named after candy or chocolate bars. Diane told me she was going to name this little doe Baby Ruth and the other Twizzler. I prayed that night, that if the Lord would let me have the chamoisee doeling I would use her to tell the story of Ruth from the Bible. That night, Ferrari accidently crushed her and she died. I was absolutely heartbroken. And so, we ended up with Bit-O-Honey instead, out of a different dam.
Now look at these two pictures. The first picture is Diane’s goat Ferrari and her kids, Baby Ruth on the far right. The second picture is Bit’s daughter. I have some serious writing to do!
Diane’s Goat Ferrari with her Baby Ruth that was crushedYoung RuthLana and young Ruth
Tolly is a doe I really am excited about. I chose an outcross for her that worked very well! She is an improvement over her dam and at her LA as a yearling with the highest score possible being an 89 she, scored VVVV86. She was a growthy kid just like her dam and freshened as a yearling with twins easily. She has very nice spring of rib, is flat boned and very dairy but still stays in good condition without having to modify her feeding regimen. Easy keepers are my favorite!!! Tolly was shown in 3 rings in 2021 and placed second in her class in all 3. She is one to watch for sure. If you’re looking for a total performance nigerian dwarf, Tolly is a great one!
I have the pleasure of being Em’s monthly milk test supervisor over at A Little Farm and was really impressed with a 6lb first test from A Little Funny Farm HS Syrah 6*M VVVV88 who shares many of the same genetics of our Eye of Hope who we lost year. When I saw she was bred to Kyeema Ridge Big Time VEE 87+B, I knew I had to have this boy. Clipping him confirmed my confidence in him!! He is exceptional and has the widest rump. Syrah finished her lactation and is 90th percentile pending ADGA! Very very excited to see what this boy will do for our herd.
Baby Nasco – PC A Little Funny FarmNasco’s dam , PC A Little Funny FarmPC- A Little Funny FarmPC- A Little Funny FarmNasco’s Sire’s Dam – CH Kyeema Ridge Synchronicity EEEE89 PC – Kyeema RidgeNasco’s Sire’s Dam PC – Kyeema RidgeNasco’s Sire’s Dam PC – Kyeema Ridge
DOB: 2/6/2021
Dam: A Little Funny Farm HS Syrah 6*M VVVV88
Sire: Kyeema Ridge Big Time +B VEE87
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