Month: November 2022

Petite Drama

The moment she was born I knew she was my keeper baby. As her name suggests, her birth and first few weeks were…well…rather dramatic. Drama was a bottle baby after being too weak at birth to stand. She slept with me on the sofa the first night of her life. Despite her rough start, she has blossomed into a striking and very promising doe! We chose an outcross this year to breed her to in hopes of strengthening front ends of her offspring. *B Kastdemur’s Bonaire has beautiful flat bone-structure, nice spring of rib and the strength in brisket I am looking for from this cross. Ashley over at E.B. Farm Goats was so wonderful to let us use Bonaire. She has an incredible breeding program and I am thankful for her friendship! Drama placed second and third in her class her first (and only so-far) time in the show ring. We so love this girl!!

*B Kastdemur’s Bonaire – a Bombay son PC – E.B. Farm Goats

Laura & Summer

Laura (tan) and Summer (brown/red/black) joined us from Windy Farm Alpacas in New Jersey! These are two truly fine-fleeced girls. Jackie has a reputable breeding program and is a fine producer of alpacas known for their density of fiber, fineness, and crimp. Annual histograms are run to keep records of each alpaca’s fleece. I 100% recommend her.

As with every animal these girls have very unique personalities! Laura is shy, a bit standoffish but a real love bug when she is held for her monthly herd-health check. Summer, is the first to meet me at the gate for breakfast and dinner and pronks her way to her food dish. She likes to be petted and is absolutely beautiful in both conformation and fleece characteristics.

Laura was bred to a gorgeous rose-grey male in 2022 for a cria to arrive sometime in January of 2023. We process our fiber here on the homestead and should have our yarns back in January as well. They will be available for purchase under the “gifts and yarns” tab here šŸ™‚

Laura was bred to Bavaria Farms Ideeli’s Phanton below. We are crossing our fingers for a grey girl!