Monroe is an absolute workhorse! Her first freshening she jumped onto the stand and stood statue still. That rarely ever happens here. What was even more rare for me was her production! As a first freshener she knocked it out of the park ranking 84th percentile. In the show ring she placed 5th behind her full sister Macushla who took reserve champion her first time out. For a small homestead, we have to make really tough cuts, and it was only a show-ring slight advantage her sister has that made me decide to move her somewhere she can show her full potential. Monroe blessed us with quad doelings as a parting gift and went to a performance (DHIR) home. I am so excited to see what she does going forward!

Dam: India Blue EOF Eye of Hope 2*M VEVV87

Sire: Cedar View Primo *B +VV86

Milk: 2022 174DIM 849lbs, 45lb BF, 31lb Percentile 84